Web hosting can help website owners with web hosting services allow website owners can place the file - web files on a web server so that the web can be accessed anywhere. Today quite a lot of companies offering hosting facilities both at home and abroad. But great is that there are also companies that offer free hosting service. In free hosting, users have the same relative rights of getting some space to upload the website and even create a database and all for free. But the free hosting service is only suitable for use by novice website owners who are still in the learning phase or the website users are not too demanding quality and service guarantees. On the other hand, in a paid hosting service users have to pay subscription fees that vary depending on storage capacity, traffic restrictions, and other factors. One thing is certain, the cost paid by customers webhosting would be used to finance the provision of such services. While the free hosting service, the cost of procurement of services in getting from banners or ads placed on web pages customers, although not all the free hosting service do it. The main advantage of using free hosting, of course, is that free:) and it is so according to the user at the beginner stage and learn to know more about internet and website creation. Another advantage is that the free hosting service providers provide most of the tools - tools that allow a user to upload a website or that create a website with online wizard. They realize that their market is the beginner internet user. But of course, free hosting service also has some negative sides. Some companies displaying banners / ads on websites where advertising customers are not necessarily in accordance with the content of the website. Another negative side is that they do not have collateral to any free hosting service will remain online. Some free hosting services that do not display banners or ads on the website aims to collect customers of customers - many for later led to the paid hosting services of their property in due course
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